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About us

The church has a weeping chancel also a rare collection of medieval stained glass, which is of both national and international importance (see Norfolk Churches link below for more information). There are four paintings from the original Rood Screen, and a recently refurbished, signed, George III coat of arms. The pews are 14c with poppy head ends, there are also some Victorian box pews. The Pulpit is carved tracery work from the Victorian period. The 13C tower houses six bells, which give a ‘fine peal’ and are popular with visiting ringers.


Many visitors remark on the peace and tranquil atmosphere on entering. 


There is a wheelchair for the use of those who can get a lift to the Church but find the long walk up the Church path a little difficult. It is stored near the Church door.  Access into the church is easy (no step), we have a 'Hearing Loop' and try to be 'Autism -friendly',  so do come in and enjoy this great and wonderful building.

our churchwardens
Alan Sherfield

PCC Secretary & Treasurer

ALM (Worship Leader)

01553 810796

Chris Hale

PCC Chairman

ALM (Children's Ministry)

01553 810385

For Home Communion or a visit, please contact our Licensed Lay Minister

Mrs Joanne Chilvers

Clerk & Deanery Synod Representative

81 Common Road, Runcton Holme, PE33 0AA

01553 813455


For Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals, please contact the Churchwardens as we are in vacancy.


Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Mrs Chris Hale

01553 810385/ 07523133120

Safeguarding Concerns Only 07541281586

Safeguarding email -


Copies of the Church Magazine are available at the back of the church and in the foyer of the Village Hall.  Feel free to take one.  If you would like a regular copy delivered, please contact one of the Churchwardens.

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