How you can donate and help OUR Church

Donations are always gratefully received which go towards the preservation and restoration of this wonderful 13th century perpendicular large Church building and its contents.
Over the last fifteen years we have spent over £330,000 on the building and its contents. None of this work could have been done without grants from Heritage England, Norfolk Churches Trust and other Charities, plus of course our own fund raising and donations from many generous people.
Our last Quinquennial Inspection revealed that major restoration work is required on the North Aisle, the Chancel roof and the tower masonry. This is expected to cost over £250,000, and we are currently applying to Heritage England for a grant so that this much needed work can be completed to keep this beautiful building in a state of good repair for future generations to enjoy, once this has been approved by Heritage England we can apply to other sources of grants.
The same report also revealed that our rare Medieval Stained Glass, is in need of much refurbishment, if it is to last the test of time. The money required for this will take us above the limit set by Heritage England, so we are starting a major fundraising campaign of our own to try to raise the money required for this as a separate project; and we will also be approaching specific organisations that help with the refurbishment of rare Medieval Glass. Many events are planned to help with this, so keep logging on to our website or our Facebook page, where you will find details of these activities.
ways you can donate:
Money can be place in the wall safe, or put into an envelope in the plate on a Sunday, marked 'Repair Fund', or if you want it to go to the Stained Glass project, then you can specify that.
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by joining the 200 club
For a donation of £12 a year you are entered into a monthly draw which pays out £40, £20 and £10/month. Plus a bumper £200 at Christmas.
Contact Alan (01553 810796) if you are interested in joining the 200Club.
by standing order
Contact the Treasurer for details of the restoration account.
Contact Alan (01553 810796) if you would like to arrange a Standing Order into our Restoration/Repair Account, which is you are a UK taxpayer we can Gift Aid.
2nd hand books
There are always second hand books for sale in the church in the North Aisle - these are up-dated regularly. Hard backs are £1, paper backs 50p and children's books 4 for £1. Money for these can be put in the wall safe by the door.
Please help support us by shopping online.
Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com, eBay, Boden, and M&S.
Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Wiggenhall St Mary Magdalene Church every time, it’s that easy!
Find out more: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/wstmarymchurch/
medieval stained glass project

Donations for this project can be sent to the Treasurer, marked 'Stained Glass', please if you want acknowledgement, put a contact or email address.
postcards & fridge magnets
We have two new postcards for sale on the table by the door. They are selling for 30p each and all the money goes towards restoration of the Church.
We also have some fridge magnets and Christmas Cards. These will be available at the Christmas Fayre on the 2nd December or can be obtained beforehand from Alan Sherfield.
Please put the money in the black box in the wall by the door.